[Dbix-class] How can the cookbook Data::Dumper recipe possibly work?
Peter Valdemar Mørch
peter at morch.com
Wed Jul 20 03:32:36 GMT 2011
I'm having trouble getting this cookbook recipe to work:
package My::DB::CD;
sub _dumper_hook {
$_[0] = bless {
%{ $_[0] },
result_source => undef,
}, ref($_[0]);
use Data::Dumper;
local $Data::Dumper::Freezer = '_dumper_hook';
my $cd = $schema->resultset('CD')->find(1);
print Dumper($cd);
# dumps $cd without its ResultSource
How is modifying $_[0] going to do anything for the caller? Instead this:
sub _dumper_hook {
$_[0]->{result_source} = undef;
Does work, but smashes the original object, so that this:
print Dumper($node);
makes useNode fail later.
Here is a snippet that illustrates:
package Foo;
use Data::Dumper;
sub freezer {
my ($obj) = @_;
$obj->{b} = 'newval';
# Data::Dumper doesn't use any return value
return bless { a => 'new', b => 'value' }, 'Foo';
local $Data::Dumper::Freezer = 'freezer';
my $object = bless { a=> 'a', b => 'b' }, 'Foo';
print Dumper($object);
print $object->{b}, "\n";
This prints out:
$VAR1 = bless( {
'a' => 'a',
'b' => 'newval'
}, 'Foo' );
$Data::Dumper::VERSION eq '2.131'
I'd love to be able to print Dumper($object); and then be able to use
$object later, but I think that isn't possible... Instead, I created
a sub dumpCopy so that I can print Dumper($object->dumpCopy()) Am I
missing something?
Peter Valdemar Mørch
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