[Dbix-class] Catalyst Model Issue

Gordon Stewart gordon at gordonstewart.co.uk
Sun Jul 24 13:17:06 GMT 2011



When I call create on a result set like the same in the catalyst
documentation  like 


               my $book = $c->model('DB::Book')->create({title  => $title,
rating => $rating });

I get the following error 


DBIx::Class::ResultSet::create(): Unable to perform storage-dependent
operations with a detached result source (source '_unnamed_' is not
associated with a schema). at
/home/gordon/catalyst/test/script/../lib/test/Controller/Books.pm line 56


I am using the most up to date version of catalyst, DBIx::Class.  I am also
using it with a MySQL backend.


Is there a setting I need to set so this error messages goes away and insert
records into the database?  Has anyone had similar issues



I raised this issue with the DBIx::Class mailing list and they said:


The fix is to insert this line before you serialize the object:


# to let DBIC automatically pick up the correct schema in the child #
process after Storable freezed/thawed the result objects local 


$DBIx::Class::ResultSourceHandle::thaw_schema = $rs->result_source->schema;


I am unsure where to put this in my application.  Has anyone have ideas how
to resolve this 






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