[Dbix-class] some answers about the benchmarks
Dami Laurent (PJ)
laurent.dami at justice.ge.ch
Thu Jul 5 07:12:10 GMT 2012
Hi all,
Several people reacted to my last post about benchmarks, or asked for more details.
Below is a compiled answer about some of these points.
(By the way, I'm sorry for having forgotten to put a subject line in my original post).
- as mentioned in the original post, the code for the benchmarks is available
at https://github.com/damil/compare-ORM. It's fairly trivial stuff, yet (in my view)
representative of a what applications often do, namely get data from the DBMS and
output it in documents or HTML pages.
- benchmarks were run on Windows XP, Strawberry Perl 5.12.3, DBIx::Class 0.08196,
DBD::SQLite 1.35. On request from Ribasushi, I also tried to benchmark
the release candidate DBIx::Class 0.08197_04, but results were worse; he
is currently looking into that.
- My focus was only on DBIx::Class vs. DBIx::DataModel, because they have a bunch of
common points (born a the same time, both using SQL::Abstract, large intersection
of features), and yet also a number of significant differences. I do not intend
to extend the comparison to other ORMs; that would be a huge task ... but if anybody
wants to adapt the benchmarks for other ORMs, they are welcome !
- Of course the next interesting step would be to NYTProf the results and study
where improvements could be made ... but I'll leave that to the DBIC team !
- To me, the main lesson is : "beware of preconceived beliefs". From the doc or
from DBIC tutorials, many people believe to make their apps faster by using
HashRefInflator and/or prefetch; however the benchmarks show that this is not
true, esp. with prefetch which apparently could make your app much slower.
- Also beware of preconceived beliefs when stating something like.
"DBIDM is a bit faster yes, but it's also less flexible and robust".
Here is not the place to argue, but to anybody interested, go to
the doc (esp. https://metacpan.org/module/DBIx::DataModel::Doc::Design ), do
some experiments, and find out by yourself.
Best regards, Laurent Dami
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