[Dbix-class] many_to_many data access
Robyn Jonahs
learn.catalyst at gmail.com
Thu Jul 12 17:24:29 GMT 2012
On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 9:04 AM, fREW Schmidt <frioux at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 2:48 AM, Patrick Meidl <patrick at pantheon.at>wrote:
>> first, to get the cities associated to the store, use the many_to_many
>> relationship you defined; if you have such a relationship, you usually
>> never use the bridging table (store_cities in your example) directly.
> I disagree. The use of data other than left_id and right_id is what makes
> many_to_many jointables so awesome. The obvious data to put in the join
> table is the date the intermediate was created, or often which user added
> it. Once I created a DB that was supposed to represent judges in the US.
> It had tables for Military Rank and Military Service and then a join table
> that joined the judge to those two and it had start dates and end dates
> etc. That db had a total of 14~ join tables, nearly all of which had
> intermediate data. It's a very handy and powerful pattern.
> --
> fREW Schmidt
> http://blog.afoolishmanifesto.com
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Conceptually I have worked myself into a confused state. Originally I
thought that the many_to_many relationships were the proper way to go. But
the problem is that the locations have to be unique. I did not generate
that. My problem is that I am not making unique addresses. I think that I
need a way to join the data record of interest (FOO) to a combination of
store, city, state and country. So it seems that I need a join table
between FOO_id and the set of (store_id, city_id, state_id, country_id).
This seems wrong to me.
The alternate if I insist on many_to_many tables is to have a Location
table that has records for unique combinations of those four things.
I was working under the concept that if any data entries were repeated in
database, you should put them into a separate table. It may be that I need
to use a simple has_one and has_many relationship to have a unique address
record. I can't see how to make the many_to_many work at the moment in my
I think that I have screwed up the database logic but I have confused
myself so much now that I could use help. Have I made it too complicated? I
guess a pitch back to the Best practice for dealing with addresses.
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