[Dbix-class] Need help with a search query

Frank Schwach fs5 at sanger.ac.uk
Fri Jun 15 08:23:34 GMT 2012

try this:

my $rs = $schema->resultset('Person')->search(
       'people_companies.code' => $code,
       join     => 'people_companies',

your relationship is called "people_companies", so your first attempt 
was correct but the "where" clause referred to relationship "company", 
which doesn't exist. If you want to search for something in "company" 
across the PeopleCompany bridge model, follow Hailin's advice and set up 
a many-to-many relationship from Person to Company.
Hope that helps


On 15/06/12 03:42, Dennis Daupert wrote:
> For some reason the right search query syntax has been elusive.
> I'm trying to get a list of people belonging to a particular company
> where the company has a particular 'code' value.
> ==============================
> Sample query code attempt:
> ------------------------------
> sub get_ppl_by_org_code {
>   my ( $schema, $code ) = @_;
>   my $rs = $schema->resultset('Person')->search(
>     {
>       'company.code' => $code,
>     },
>     {
>       join     => [qw/ company /], # also tried people_companies
>     }
>   );
>   return( $rs );
> }
> Gives error: "No such relationship company on Person"
> ==============================
> Schemas: (produced by DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader)
> ------------------------------
> __PACKAGE__->table("people");
> __PACKAGE__->add_columns(
>   "agent_id",
>   { data_type => "integer", is_auto_increment => 1, is_nullable => 0 },
>   "first_name",
>   { data_type => "varchar", is_nullable => 1, size => 40 },
>   "last_name",
>   { data_type => "varchar", is_nullable => 1, size => 40 },
> <snip>
> __PACKAGE__->has_many(
>   "people_companies",
>   "DB::Schema::Result::PeopleCompany",
>   { "foreign.agent_id" => "self.agent_id" },
>   { cascade_copy => 0, cascade_delete => 0 },
> );
> ==============================
> __PACKAGE__->table("group_company_xl");
> __PACKAGE__->add_columns(
>   "company_id",
>   { data_type => "integer", is_auto_increment => 1, is_nullable => 0 },
>   "company",
>   { data_type => "varchar", is_nullable => 0, size => 50 },
>   "service_center",
>   { data_type => "varchar", is_nullable => 1, size => 20 },
>   "code",
>   { data_type => "varchar", is_nullable => 1, size => 5 },
> <snip>
> __PACKAGE__->has_many(
>   "people_companies",
>   "DB::Schema::Result::PeopleCompany",
>   { "foreign.company_id" => "self.company_id" },
>   { cascade_copy => 0, cascade_delete => 0 },
> );
> Seems odd, DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader produced accessor
> with same name as the one for people table. Is that kosher?
> ==============================
> __PACKAGE__->table("people_companies");
> __PACKAGE__->add_columns(
>   "agent_id",
>   { data_type => "integer", is_foreign_key => 1, is_nullable => 0 },
>   "company_id",
>   { data_type => "integer", is_foreign_key => 1, is_nullable => 0 },
> );
> __PACKAGE__->belongs_to(
>   "agent",
>   "DB::Schema::Result::Person",
>   { agent_id => "agent_id" },
>   { is_deferrable => 1, on_delete => "CASCADE", on_update => "CASCADE" },
> );
> __PACKAGE__->belongs_to(
>   "company",
>   "DB::Schema::Result::GroupCompanyXl",
>   { company_id => "company_id" },
>   { is_deferrable => 1, on_delete => "CASCADE", on_update => "CASCADE" },
> );
> ==============================
> Can someone help me learn the secret handshake?
> /dennis
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> List: http://lists.scsys.co.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/dbix-class
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