[Dbix-class] Re: column order in unions [patch?]
Ian Sillitoe
ian at sillit.com
Tue Mar 27 13:15:42 GMT 2012
Urrrgghhh... sorry - please ignore previous email.
This was simply a fail on my behalf.
For the record:
sub swap_query_and_match {
my $self =3D shift;
my @cols =3D $self->result_source->columns;
my @mapped_cols =3D map {
if (/^match_/) { s/match_/query_/ }
elsif (/^query_/) { s/query_/match_/ }
} @cols;
return $self->search_rs(
select =3D> \@mapped_cols,
as =3D> \@cols,
Should read:
sub swap_query_and_match {
my $self =3D shift;
my @cols =3D $self->result_source->columns;
my @mapped_cols =3D map {
my $col =3D $_;
if ($col =3D~ /^match_/) { $col =3D~
s/match_/query_/ }
elsif ($col =3D~ /^query_/) { $col =3D~
s/query_/match_/ }
} @cols;
return $self->search_rs(
select =3D> \@mapped_cols,
as =3D> \@cols,
Apologies if that ended up wasting anyone's time...
-- =
Dr Ian Sillitoe
Orengo Group, Structural and Molecular Biology
University College London
On 27 March 2012 12:48, Ian Sillitoe <ian at sillit.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> Apologies if this is long winded - I figured it might be useful to give
> some context. I have a table that can be simplified to:
> SCORES( query_id, match_id, query_length, match_length, score )
> which contains scores for an all against all comparison. It is only a
> half-matrix - to return all scores for a particular 'id' I use a union
> where one half searches for query_id =3D $ID and the other searches for
> match_id =3D $ID (and the latter swaps all the query/match fields around =
> the id in question is always 'query' not 'match') - i.e.
> query_id, match_id, query_length, match_length, score
> scores
> query_id =3D "$ID" and match_id !=3D "$ID"
> query_id as match_id,
> match_id as query_id,
> query_length as match_length,
> match_length as query_length,
> score
> scores
> query_id !=3D "$ID" and match_id =3D "$ID"
> I originally had defined this as a view on a custom result source which
> worked fine in DBIC. However it's a bit of a pain to maintain (in reality
> there are more query and match related fields) - so on a recent code tidy=
> figured it would be better to try and do the union properly in DBIC.
> I was trying to get something like:
> My::Schema->resultset( 'Scores' )->force_query_id( $ID )->all;
> Done with:
> package My::Schema::ResultSet::Scores;
> use My::Moose; # provides Moose, Types and
> MooseX::Params::Validate
> extends 'DBIx::Class::ResultSet';
> __PACKAGE__->load_components(qw{ Helper::ResultSet::SetOperations });
> sub force_query_id {
> my $self =3D shift;
> my ( $domain_id ) =3D pos_validated_list( \@_,
> { isa =3D> 'DomainID', coerce =3D> 1 },
> );
> my $rs1 =3D $self->search_rs(
> { query_id =3D> $domain_id, match_id =3D> { '!=3D' =3D> $doma=
in_id } },
> );
> my $rs2 =3D $self->search_rs(
> { query_id =3D> { '!=3D' =3D> $domain_id }, match_id =3D> $do=
main_id }
> )->swap_query_and_match;
> return $rs1->union( $rs2 );
> }
> sub swap_query_and_match {
> my $self =3D shift;
> my @cols =3D $self->result_source->columns;
> my @mapped_cols =3D map {
> if (/^match_/) { s/match_/query_/ }
> elsif (/^query_/) { s/query_/match_/ }
> $_;
> } @cols;
> return $self->search_rs(
> undef,
> {
> select =3D> \@mapped_cols,
> as =3D> \@cols,
> }
> );
> }
> However, this was throwing:
> ResultSets do not all have the same selected columns! called at
> DBIx/Class/Helper/ResultSet/SetOperations.pm line 71
> Which seems to be because the union needs the list of resolved 'as'
> attributes to be identical between all resultsets involved in the union.
> # DBIx/Class/Helper/ResultSet/SetOperations.pm:71
> $self->throw_exception("ResultSets do not all have the same selected
> columns!")
> unless $self->_compare_arrays($as, $attrs->{as});
> I can see that the fields need to be identical, but does it matter about
> the order? I changed my local version to:
> $self->throw_exception("ResultSets do not all have the same selected
> columns!" )
> unless $self->_compare_arrays([sort @$as], [sort
> @{$attrs->{as}}]);
> which now works for me (and passes the DBIx::Class::Helpers tests), but
> I'm not sure whether that was there for a reason - is that patch sane?
> Many thanks,
> --
> Dr Ian Sillitoe
> Orengo Group, Structural and Molecular Biology
> University College London
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