[Dbix-class] Query translation

Frank Schwach fs5 at sanger.ac.uk
Fri May 11 07:12:38 GMT 2012

just to add to that: I got a suspicion that you may have used a Catalyst 
helper to create the database model with DBIC Schema Loader in *dynamic 
mode*, which is probably what you mean with porting this to Catalyst(?)
If so: you need to change that to static mode and let the Schema::Loader 
actually write the Schema files and work with those. It's better to work 
with a static schema anyway.
Once you have your Schema files you can add ResultSet classes and use 
this new helper as described. You can still re-generate the Schema 
classes as and when you make changes to the schema.
Hope this helps a little bit

On 10/05/12 23:25, fREW Schmidt wrote:
>     Ok, I understand how that works I think, but how/where do I
>     integrate it into my code as I am using Catalyst models and I'm
>     very confused on this one.
> I don't completely have enough information to answer, but you need to 
> make a base resultset and use that in your schema, and put the 
> correlate helper in the base resultset.  "Catalyst models" are just 
> DBIx::Class results.
> -- 
> fREW Schmidt
> http://blog.afoolishmanifesto.com
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