[Dbix-class] Query problem
Kenneth S Mclane
ksmclane at us.ibm.com
Mon May 14 19:32:37 GMT 2012
Yes, the helper looked very promising, but there is little to no
documentation as to what and how it does it's thing. I tried getting it to
work but to no avail as there is no indication of how to deal with
multiple things. It's example, (and I find this endemic in DBIx docs)
refers to a scalar "$schema" with no explanation as to what this contains
or what it should be set to. Can I substitute "$c->model('xxx::yyy')
syntax for my code? No answer. where do I put the example files it talks
of? What governs the naming, is it even important? I tried to get some
answers from the author and got no response, so I gave up.
Peter Rabbitson <rabbit+dbic at rabbit.us>
"DBIx::Class user and developer list" <dbix-class at lists.scsys.co.uk>
05/14/2012 02:23 PM
Re: [Dbix-class] Query problem
Kenneth S Mclane wrote:
> I have this almost working (Ithink).
> sub list :Local {
> my ($self, $c, $page) = @_;
> $page = $c->req->param('page') || 1;
> my $rs = $c->model('ORANGES::Account')->search_rs(undef, {
> join => { servers => 'subs' },
> select => [ { count => 'subsystem_id' } ],
> as => [ qw/ num_subs / ],
> group_by => [ qw/ account_code subs.server_id
> server_name server_type os_name / ],
> rows => 15,
> page => $page,
> order_by => ['account_code', 'server_name'],
> });
> $c->stash(rows => $rs);
> $c->stash(pager => $rs->pager());
> $c->stash->{'template'}=>'server/list';
> }
> This gives me an error:
> Couldn't render template "server/list.tt2: undef error - DBI Exception:
> DBD::DB2::db prepare_cached failed: [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/AIX64]
> SQL0206N "NUM_SUBS" is not valid in the context where it is used.
> SQLSTATE=42703
> [for Statement "
> SELECT num_subs FROM (
> BY ORDER__BY__1, ORDER__BY__2 ) AS rno__row__index FROM (
> SELECT COUNT( subsystem_id ), account_code AS ORDER__BY__1,
> HCDB_TEST.SERVER servers ON servers.account_id = me.account_id LEFT JOIN
> HCDB_TEST.SUBSYSTEM subs ON subs.server_id = servers.server_id GROUP BY
> account_code, subs.server_id, server_name, server_type, os_name
> ) me
> ) me WHERE rno__row__index >= ? AND rno__row__index <= ?
I think this is the result of a bug that I am pretty sure is
fixed in the last CPAN version. What version are you using?
In any case as you correctly noticed you want a subquery not a
bunch of crazy group bys.
> But the SQL looks like it is getting closer to what I need:
> s.server_id,
> a.account_code,
> s.server_name,
> s.server_type,
> s.os_name,
> (select count(*) from server ss, subsserystem sb
> where ss.server_id = sb.server_id
> and ss.server_id = s.server_id) as num_subsystems
> account a,
> server s
> and a.account_id = s.account_id
> order by a.account_code, s.server_name"
Correct. Then you were told that this is a thing that only became
*easy* recently. You were given links to the helper component
implementing precisely what you need. If your development model
prevents you from using such components you will have a *very* hard
time working with DBIx::Class, Catalyst and many other current CPAN
> I have exhausted all the docs I can find
I replied with the actual link to an email while I was typing up this
reply. I would still like to make a point that if you continue to try
to model specific SQL queries using DBIC, you will have a very very
hard time going forward. This is not entirely a deficiency of DBIC,
mostly it is the complexity of the task of *reliably* abstracting all
the vagaries of SQL into a coherent, incrementally buildable API. So
start small by getting back the data you want, and worrying about the
resulting queries on a later stage, when you have an actual feel of
the tools you are using. Expecting to jump into a set of libraries and
be able to make them to behave *exactly* like you want is only going
to set your stage for many bitter disappointments.
Hope this helps.
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