[Dbix-class] DBIx-Table-TestDataGenerator-0.001 released

"José Diaz Seng" josediazseng at gmx.de
Mon Oct 29 21:58:05 GMT 2012


yesterday I have released the initial version of DBIx::Table::TestDataGenerator,
see http://search.cpan.org/~jds/DBIx-Table-TestDataGenerator-0.001/

Its goal is to support testing database clients by adding test data to tables.
The main features are the automatic handling of table constraints and dealing
with parent child relations in tables. Currently Oracle, PostgreSQL and SQLite 
are supported, additional DBMSs are in the works.

It has already been a real pleasure discussing things with the Perl community, I
want to say a big thank you to all people involved, for detailed
acknowledgements (and everything else) please see the README file.

Hopefully the module will be useful to you. I am eagerly awaiting your comments,
critique and feature requests!

To all affected by the hurricane reaching the East Coast right now I hope it 
will not be half as bad as feared, good luck!

Best regards


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