[Dbix-class] update circular reference

shawn wilson ag4ve.us at gmail.com
Fri Apr 12 20:26:55 GMT 2013

How do I maintain a circular reference? The relation part of the
schema is below, but I can do:

      my $url_rs = $self->search({url => $url})->single;

      foreach my $text (@{$data->{$domain}{$url}})
        try {
          $schema->txn_do(sub {
            $url_rs->find_or_create_related('data', {
              text    => $text,
              stamp   => $eptime,
              source  => {
                proxy   => $info->{proxy},
                ip      => $info->{ip} // '',
        } catch {
          print STDERR "[$text] $_\n";

Where I can go from page and insert data and source. But, how do I
fill in the source_fk in the page table that I orriginate from?

# Page
    data_type           => 'integer',
    extra               => { unsigned => 1 },
    is_auto_increment   => 1,
    is_nullable         => 0,
    data_type           => 'integer',
    extra               => { unsigned => 1 },
    is_foreign_key      => 1,
    is_nullable         => 1,

  { 'foreign.page_fk'       => 'self.page_pk' },
  { is_deferrable           => 1 },

  'source'  =>
  { 'foreign.source_pk' => 'self.source_fk' },
  { is_deferrable     => 1 },


# Source
    data_type           => 'integer',
    extra               => { unsigned => 1 },
    is_auto_increment   => 1,
    is_nullable         => 0,

  { 'foreign.source_fk'       => 'self.source_pk' },
  { is_deferrable             => 1 },

  { 'foreign.source_fk'       => 'self.source_pk' },
  { is_deferrable             => 1 },


# Data
    data_type           => 'integer',
    extra               => { unsigned => 1 },
    is_auto_increment   => 1,
    is_nullable         => 0,
    data_type           => 'integer',
    extra               => { unsigned => 1 },
    is_foreign_key      => 1,
    is_nullable         => 0,
    data_type           => 'integer',
    extra               => { unsigned => 1 },
    is_foreign_key      => 1,
    is_nullable         => 0,
  'page'  =>
  { 'foreign.page_pk' => 'self.page_fk' },
  { is_deferrable     => 1 },

  { 'foreign.source_pk'       => 'self.source_fk' },
  { is_deferrable           => 1 },


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