[Dbix-class] Using and inter-linking multiple databases via DBIC:
"Can't find source"
neil at mylunn.id.au
Tue Dec 3 23:11:05 GMT 2013
On 4/12/2013 6:24 AM, Mark West wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to create a similar set up connecting to two postgres =
> databases on the same host and having no luck. (These are two separate =
> databases not two schemas.)
Hold and and think this. How would you do this in SQL? I didn't think =
this was possible in Postgres. MySQL, MSSQL and Oracle have a =
"namespace" concept that allows you to fully qualify the path with a =
<database_name>.<table_name> type of syntax. But correct me if I am =
wrong, AFAIK Postgres does not have this.
In any case, regardless that you are trying to merge your class =
generation into one Schema namespace you admittedly have two connection =
strings. Think of that like doing a join over two client applications or =
even two connection tabs in a query tool. It just cannot be done.
You could look at 'dblink' but that is going to require custom SQL or =
other munging and is more of a subselect
than a true join.
Alternately, rethink your design. Schema namespacing ( in the PostgresQL =
sense not the DBIC sense ) is allowed
but you must be on the same "database" and therefore connection as it is =
required in the DSN. Check the docs here:
> I am using Schema::Loader to create my result class files as well as =
> the database connection files using the following commands:
> script/myapp_create.pl model DB DBIC::Schema MyApp::Schema =
> create=3Dstatic components=3DTimeStamp,EncodedColumn =
> dbi:Pg:dbname=3Dhandshake_vt 'user' 'pw' '{ AutoCommit =3D> 1 }'
> script/myapp_create.pl model DB2 DBIC::Schema MyApp::Schema =
> create=3Dstatic components=3DTimeStamp,EncodedColumn =
> dbi:Pg:dbname=3Dlegislators_vt 'user' 'pw' '{ AutoCommit =3D> 1 }'
> I get the following error when trying to connect to tables on the =
> second database [error] DBI Exception: DBD::Pg::st execute failed: =
> ERROR: relation "countries" does not exist
> I've created the following files:
> 1.DB.pm
> package MyApp::Model::DB;
> use strict;
> use base 'Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema';
> __PACKAGE__->config(
> schema_class =3D> 'MyApp::Schema',
> connect_info =3D> {
> dsn =3D> 'dbi:Pg:dbname=3Dhandshake_vt',
> }
> );
> 2.DB2.pm
> package MyApp::Model::DB2;
> use strict;
> use base 'Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema';
> __PACKAGE__->config(
> schema_class =3D> 'MyApp::Schema',
> connect_info =3D> {
> dsn =3D> 'dbi:Pg:dbname=3Dlegislators_vt',
> }
> );
> 3.Schema.pm
> package MyApp::Schema;
> __PACKAGE__->load_namespaces;;
> My Table Class basically looks like this:
> package Handshake::Schema::Result::Country;
> ...
> __PACKAGE__->table("countries");
> In my controller I'm calling the model by specifying the second =
> database handle.
> So, have I misconfigured one of these files or am I missing another =
> configuration step to connect to two databases at one time?
> Or, is there another example of a Schema::Loader script that will set =
> up the dual connection?
> Thanks for any help.
> Mark
> *From:*Henry Van Styn [mailto:vanstyn at cpan.org]
> *Sent:* Friday, October 18, 2013 3:13 PM
> *To:* DBIx::Class user and developer list
> *Subject:* Re: [Dbix-class] Using and inter-linking multiple databases =
> via DBIC: "Can't find source"
> On 10/18/2013 1:26 PM, will trillich wrote:
> We are using Catalyst for a web app. We've split off the
> authentication database to facilitate multiple different apps
> using the same user credentials, but we're having trouble linking
> the auth db to the biz-info db.
> The generalized user/team credentials and related info are in
> Auth, and the actual business info for this app is in DB. Here's
> an object from the DB database:
> package Learn::Schema::DB::Result::TeamEmail;
> #...
> __PACKAGE__->belongs_to( team =3D>
> 'Learn::Schema::Auth::Result::Team' );
> Note that we're trying to get DB::TeamEmail to refer to Auth::Team
> here. And below is the related object from the Auth database:
> package Learn::Schema::Auth::Result::Team;
> #...
> __PACKAGE__->has_many( emails =3D>
> 'Learn::Schema::DB::Result::TeamEmail', 'team' );
> At this point we expect
> *$team->emails_rs*
> to work but instead we get
> Can't find source for Learn::Schema::DB::Result::TeamEmail
> because TeamEmail isn't in $self->source_registrations (full
> names) or $self->class_mappings (brief names) in the
> DBIx::Class::Schema::source() method.
> Pointers? Is there a different approach? Got a clue stick?
> You probably just need to load the additional result classes into your =
> schema.
> Assuming you are using the typical __PACKAGE__->load_namespaces call =
> in your Schema class, you can call it with parameters to find classes =
> under multiple namespaces. Something like this in your Learn::Schema::DB:
> __PACKAGE__->load_namespaces(
> result_namespace =3D> [ '+Learn::Schema::Auth::Result', 'Result' ],
> resultset_namespace =3D> [ =
> '+Learn::Schema::Auth::ResultSet','ResultSet' ],
> );
> See https://metacpan.org/module/DBIx::Class::Schema#load_namespaces =
> for more details
> You will also probably need to make sure you use 'dbname.tablename' =
> instead of just 'tablename' in the __PACKAGE__->table() call in your =
> result classes. If you're using Schema::Loader, see the =
> 'qualify_objects' option to have this generated automatically:
> https://metacpan.org/module/DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Base#qualify_obj=
> Hope this helps,
> vanstyn
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