[Dbix-class] Fix memleak for long-lived resultsets.

Vladimir Timofeev vovkasm at gmail.com
Fri Jul 12 10:02:13 GMT 2013

I made pull request with quick fix on github

It is a recursive attributes hash chain when call search on the same
resultset many times. It looks like pseudo-leak with long-lived resultsets.

In our application (that long-lived daemon) we use something like this:

sub periodic_refresh {
  state $rs = $schema->resultset('ServerBackend')->search({status=>'active'},{order_by=>'me.id',prefetch=>'Server'});
  my @fresh_backends = $rs->all; # now we use this workaround:
$rs->search; but it is slower because new resultset created on every
  # other refresh logic

Please review, and apply if possible! ;-)

Vladimir Timofeev <vovkasm at gmail.com>

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