[Dbix-class] best way to share schema elements?
Charlie Garrison
garrison at zeta.org.au
Tue Nov 12 02:10:04 GMT 2013
Good afternoon,
I'll open with disclaimer that I don't really know the answer,
but I asked the same question about 6 weeks ago with a new
project (with lots of similar components to an old project), and
I muddled through to answer it myself. I'll share my solution,
and hope for more feedback from those who know better than me.
On 11/11/13 at 4:55 PM -0800, Seth Daniel
<dbix-class at sethdaniel.org> wrote:
>If I'm wrong what is the best way to model having many shared
>columns/relationships over 2 or more tables without repeating
>myself? Is there a way in DBIx::Class to model where an A and B
>table "inherit"
>from a base table? Is there a good way to do this in DBIx::Class? Is
>this a good way to do this in DBix::Class?
I Moosified all my DBIC classes and used the standard `extends`
functionality. In your example you will have 3 classes:
TableA and TableB will both `extend` RBase. All the shared
column definitions (& methods) go into RBase while everything
table specific goes into one of the other classes.
In my case, I have same/similar classes in different projects,
so I created new 'shared' module namespace (MyLib::Schema::RBase
& RSBase). Multiple projects will use classes from the shared
lib. Use `load_namespaces` to load classes from both the shared
lib and your app's lib.
default_resultset_class => "+MyLib::Schema::RSBase",
result_namespace => [ '+MyLib::Schema::Result',
'Result' ],
resultset_namespace => [ '+MyLib::Schema::ResultSet',
'ResultSet' ],
It gets slightly tricky when defining relationships; some of
them will refer to the shared lib namespace, rather than
app/schema namespace; remember to check relationships carefully.
Or just keep everything under MyApp and keep it simple.
__PACKAGE__->belongs_to( user => 'MyLib::Schema::Result::User', 'user_id');
>A not entirely unrelated question: is there a preferred way to share column
>definitions among non-related tables? So if I want a username in one table
>and want the same definition for username in a different table is there a
>preferred way to share this definition among the result classes? I can
>think of several ways to do it but wondering if there is a best practice
>wrt DBIx::Class.
Put the shared code/devinitions into a Moose role, and use that
role `with` your result class. I did that to share the same
(postal) address functionality across multiple classes. (I've
become a big fan of Moose roles. :-) )
Again, I have no idea whether any of the above is best-practice
(it was my personal best solution). I look forward to hearing
further comments.
I'd be happy to receive some direction on where docco
improvements could be made. I could not find the answer myself
in docco, advent calendars, mailing list, etc. Before asking I
thought I should clarify *what* I was asking, by which point I
had answered it myself. But I spent way too much time doing so;
I'm happy to contribute some docuentation; suggestions for
what/where? Or does it already exist and I just couldn't find
it, in which case some meta-docco may be needed.
Ꮚ Charlie Garrison ♊ <garrison at zeta.org.au>
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