[Dbix-class] match against ...
RAPPAZ Francois
francois.rappaz at unifr.ch
Thu Apr 3 12:37:31 GMT 2014
Thanks for replying !
My code is now
my $sqlmaker = SQL::Abstract->new(special_ops => [ {regex => qr/^match$/i,
handler => sub{
my ($me, $field, $op, $arg) = @_;
$arg = [$arg] if not ref $arg;
my $label = $me->_quote($field);
my ($placeholder) = $me->_convert('?');
my $placeholders = join ", ", (($placeholder) x @$arg);
my $sql = $me->_sqlcase('match') . " ($label) " . $me->_sqlcase('against') . " ($placeholders) ";
my @bind = $me->_bindtype($field, @$arg);
return ($sql, @bind);
#this line is suggested by the reply in this page
my ($where, @bind)= $sqlmaker->where ({"ti, ex, ad" => {-match => $bla}});
my $rs = $self->{schema}->resultset('Jrn')->search_rs(undef, {where=>\[$where, @bind], order_by => 'tri'});
I still have an error
*** DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_dbh_execute(): DBI Exception: DBD::mysql::st
execute failed: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that
corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near
'WHERE ( MATCH (ti, ex, ad) AGAINST ('test') ) ) ORDER BY tri'
at line 1 [for Statement
"SELECT me.nofm FROM jrn me WHERE ( WHERE ( MATCH (ti, ex, ad) AGAINST (?) ) )
ORDER BY tri" with ParamValues: 0="test"]
at ...
If one test the where clause in phpmyadmin, one see that there the parenthesis are not balanced ( ()() )).
Is it the way I'm calling using the sqlmaker object ?
Thanks for any suggestion
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Will Crawford [mailto:billcrawford1970 at gmail.com]
> Sent: jeudi, 3. avril 2014 11:56
> To: DBIx::Class user and developer list
> Subject: Re: [Dbix-class] match against ...
> On 2 April 2014 10:47, RAPPAZ Francois <francois.rappaz at unifr.ch>
> wrote:
> > I'm struggling with code as
> ...
> > my ($where, @bind)= $sqlmaker->where("ti, ex, ad", "tri",
> > $bla); $self->{log}->debug($where);
> > my $rs = $self->{schema}->resultset('Jrn')->search_rs(undef,
> > {where=> $where});
> Couple of things that might help:
> · you don't seem to be passing anything into $sqlmaker->where(...) that
> would match the regex you provided for special_ops (so how would it
> know to create your "match ... against" sql) · you'll probably need to
> pass the SQL into DBIC as { where => \[ $sql, @binds ] }
> This may or may not be enough. A (much simpler) example that works for
> me is:
> my $user = $rs->search( undef, { where => \[ 'id = ?', [ id =>
> 52521 ] ] } )->first;
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