[Dbix-class] prefetch across multiple tables

John Stoffel john at stoffel.org
Wed Dec 17 18:39:23 GMT 2014

Hi all,

With a bit of nudging, I had a head-smack moment and upgraded to the
latest version of DBIx::Class on CPAN, and it now looks like things
are working better for me, but I'm still getting some interesting

Before I got errors, now I can do:

   > ../bin/dbic-test.pl Emlen
   DBIx::Class::ResultSet::_construct_results(): Unable to properly collapse has_many results in iterator mode due to order criteria - performed an eager cursor slurp underneath. Consider using ->all() instead at ../bin/dbic-test.pl line 20
   Full Name: Emlen & Howell (8213)
     account_id=5920 boxfolder_id=234  URL: b16f10
     account_id=5921 boxfolder_id=249  URL: b17f10
     account_id=5922 boxfolder_id=281  URL: b19f12
   Full Name: Emlen, Caleb (8214)
     account_id=5923 boxfolder_id=14  URL: b01f14
     account_id=5924 boxfolder_id=50  URL: b04f05

So I think I need to change my loop from:

while (my $r = $rs->next) {
  print "Full Name: ", $r->full_name, " (", $r->name_id, ")\n";

  foreach my $a ($r->account()) {
    print "  account_id=", $a->account_id();
    print " boxfolder_id=",$a->boxfolder_id()," ";
    my $t = $a->url();
    $t =~ m/value2=(\w+)\&/;
    print " URL: $1";
    $vol = $a->boxfolder->volume;
    $folder = $a->boxfolder->volume;
    $range = $a->boxfolder->range;
    print " V=$vol " if defined $vol;
    print " F=$folder " if defined $folder;
    print " R=$range " if defined $range;

    print "\n";

To something more like this:

   my @r = $rs->all
   foreach my $r (@r) {
     print "Full Name: ", $r->full_name, " (", $r->name_id, ")\n";

     foreach my $a ($r->account()) {
       print "  account_id=", $a->account_id();
       print " boxfolder_id=",$a->boxfolder_id()," ";
       my $t = $a->url();
       $t =~ m/value2=(\w+)\&/;
       print " URL: $1";
       $vol = $a->boxfolder->volume;
       $folder = $a->boxfolder->volume;
       $range = $a->boxfolder->range;
       print " V=$vol " if defined $vol;
       print " F=$folder " if defined $folder;
       print " R=$range " if defined $range;

       print "\n";

And that does seem to do the trick.  Now to move onto updating my
Dancer web interface and see if I'm getting proper data out (or that I
even have proper data IN!) of the DB and displayed nicely for the end

Thanks for the help, I feel a little dumb for not thinking to upgrade right off the bat.


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