[Dbix-class] Result->id
Hartmaier Alexander
alexander.hartmaier at t-systems.at
Mon Dec 18 08:52:44 GMT 2017
Your problem is that the column named 'id' isn't the id column! If it
was the Perl accessor would return the same, correct value.
Instead you have a multi-col pk where one column of it is misleading
named id, so I'd rename the column, not only its Perl accessor.
Best regards, Alex
On 2017-11-29 12:39, Vladimir Melnik wrote:
> Thank you!
> That's why I can't decide should I rename the `id` column to `_id` or should I only change the 1st parameter of the `add_columns()` call from `id` to `_id`. Or should I make my own method (and call it, let's say, `PKs`) to do the same thing that `DBIx::Class::PK::id` does?
> It's always difficult to decide what way is better when all ways are "correct". :-)
> Being grateful for all your comments and suggestions regarding this topic,
> Vlad
> On Tue, Nov 28, 2017 at 01:46:17PM +0100, Hartmaier Alexander wrote:
>> Hi,
>> when you define your 'id' column using add_column it generates an
>> accessor method named 'id' which overwrites the id method of
>> DBIx::Class::PK.
>> Best regards, Alex
>> On 2017-11-28 10:56, Vladimir Melnik wrote:
>>> Dear colleagues,
>>> Is `id()` should return a content of the `id` column if it presents, even if we have a multi-column PK (so it's supposed to return a list of PK values as it described in the `DBIx::Class::Row` manual)?
>>> So, I have a table whose PKs are `id` and `known_from`, I have the following in the Result-based class definition:
>>> __PACKAGE__->set_primary_key("id", "known_from");
>>> But it always return one number - the content of the `id` column.
>>> What overrides what: an internal method and a column-name-based method? If the column-name-based one has higher priority, should I consider renaming the `id` field to some crappy `_id`? Or would it be a better way to call it as '_id' when I'm doing `__PACKAGE__->add_columns("id", ...)`? If yes, would it be possible to ask `DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader` to do that each time?
>>> Thanks in advance for your time, dear colleagues.
>>> If anyone have experince with multi-column PK with DBIx::Class and with temporal (also as bi-temporal and multi-temporal) - please share your wisdom.
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