[Dbix-class] Joins using sub-selects
QE :: Felix Ostmann
ostmann at qe.de
Tue Oct 9 06:48:33 GMT 2018
Hi David,
i did not see a problem with you current approach. It is simple you dislike
literal sql?
You could write the subselect as a dbic statement and call as_query() and
use it, see
my $inner = scm()->resultset('ServiceplanPrice')->search({
effective_date_time => { '<=' => $mocked_now },
type => 'new',
serviceplan_id => $me.id,
"$foreign.effective_date_time" => {'=' => $inner},
Another idea would be to simple join without the effective_date_time (so
you get 1..n) and erase the bad ones with WHERE and "DISTINCT ON" and the
correct ORDER BY. Oh, this is perhaps only a PostgreSQL specific solution.
DISTINCT ON (serviceplan.id)
WHERE serviceplan_price.effective_date_time <= $mocked_now
ORDER BY serviceplan_price.effective_date_time DESC
Have a nice day
Felix Ostmann
Am Mo., 8. Okt. 2018 um 17:28 Uhr schrieb David Cantrell <
david.cantrell at uk2group.com>:
> Hello gang!
> I'm having trouble figuring out how to express one of my joins in
> DBIx::Class.
> The two tables involved and some relevant sample data are:
> > select * from serviceplan_price;
> +----+----------------+-------+-------+---------------------+
> | id | serviceplan_id | type | value | effective_date_time |
> +----+----------------+-------+-------+---------------------+
> | 78 | 63 | new | 0.14 | 1973-01-01 00:00:00 |
> | 79 | 64 | new | 0.73 | 1982-01-01 00:00:00 |
> | 80 | 64 | new | 3.18 | 2012-01-01 00:00:00 |
> | 81 | 63 | new | 2.99 | 2019-01-01 00:00:00 |
> | 82 | 63 | renew | ...
> Note that the effective date can be in the future. This is how we
> represent historical prices, and planned price rises. And that there are
> two types, 'new' (the price you pay when you first buy something) and
> 'renew' (the price for subsequent renewals). The 'new' price might
> include the cost of setting up hardware, for example, which isn't needed
> on renewal.
> > select * from serviceplan;
> +----+--------------------------------+
> | id | name | irrelevant details ... |
> +----+--------------------------------+
> | 63 | foo | blahblah |
> | 64 | bar | blahblah |
> +----+--------------------------------+
> And I want to define a relationship so that, along with a serviceplan, I
> can fetch its *current* new price or renewal price. For an added wrinkle
> we want to be able to mock the current date/time in our tests, so we
> can't just use NOW(), but I don't think that's the problem. In plain old
> SQL it would look like this for fetching them with their current new price:
> SELECT me.id, me.name, ...
> current_new_price.id, ...
> FROM serviceplan me
> JOIN serviceplan_price current_new_price ON (
> current_new_price.serviceplan_id = me.id AND
> current_new_price.type = 'new' AND
> current_new_price.effective_date_time = (
> SELECT MAX(effective_date_time)
> FROM serviceplan_price
> WHERE effective_date_time <= '$mocked'
> AND type ='new'
> AND serviceplan_id = me.id
> )
> )
> In terms of a DBIx::Class relationship on my serviceplan result class
> I've got this (repeated for the current_renew_price):
> __PACKAGE__->belongs_to(
> current_new_price => 'MyApp::Result::ServiceplanPrice',
> sub ($args) {
> my $foreign = $args->{foreign_alias};
> my $me = $args->{self_alias};
> my $mocked_now = MyApp::Mocks->now(),
> return {
> "$foreign.serviceplan_id" => { -ident => "$me.id" },
> "$foreign.type" => 'new',
> "$foreign.effective_date_time" => { -ident => qq{
> ( SELECT MAX(effective_date_time)
> FROM serviceplan_price
> WHERE effective_date_time <= '$mocked_now'
> AND type = 'new'
> AND serviceplan_id = $me.id
> )
> } }
> }
> }
> );
> I *think* that I have no choice but to write the relationship condition
> as an anonymous sub, but embedding some raw SQL like that is just plain
> hideous. Also I'd like to get rid of the repetition where I've said
> twice that the 'type' field should be 'new' and that the serviceplan_id
> should match, and the inconsistency where I refer to the foreign table
> as $foreign is some places but by its true name inside the sub-select.
> Any clues on how to turn that into something a bit more SQL::Abstract?
> --
> David Cantrell
> David Cantrell
> System Architect
> The Hut Group<http://www.thehutgroup.com/>
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> hgvyjuv
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