[Dbix-class] Mixins/roles with relations
Олег Пронин
syber.rus at gmail.com
Fri Nov 6 16:45:50 GMT 2020
For example
package MyComponent;
use 5.012;
sub add_columns {
my ($class, @cols) = @_;
return $class->next::method(@cols, 'additional', 'cols');
Relationships are more complicated. As far as i remember you can't add it
from inside "add_columns".
However you could call some method in every RS when your app finishing
initialization and add relationship from there
foreach my $rsname (qw/User UserExtra SocialAction SocialPayment/) {
my $source = $general_schema_class->source($rsname) or next;
$source->result_class->finalize_schema($source) if
package MyComponent;
sub finalize_schema {
my ($class, $source) = @_;
$source->schema->source('SocialPayment')->result_class, {'foreign.user' => '
self.id'}, {
'accessor' => 'multi',
'cascade_copy' => 1,
'cascade_delete' => 0,
'is_depends_on' => 0,
'join_type' => 'LEFT',
}) for $class, $source;
пт, 6 нояб. 2020 г. в 18:05, Robert Rothenberg <robrwo at gmail.com>:
> Is it possible to write a DBIC result class that loads a shared
> component or mixin/role that defines a column and relation, e.g.
> something like
> __PACKAGE__->add_column( "foobar_id", { data_type => "integer",
> is_foreign_key => 1 } ); __PACKAGE__->belongs_to( "foobar",
> "My::Schema::Result::Foobar", { "id" => "foobar_id" } ); so that this
> code can be reused in other results? I've experimented with treating
> this as a component or parent class but get errors: Can't locate object
> method "result_source_instance" Is there a way to defer running
> "belongs_to" until after a result source is specified?
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