<font size=2 face="sans-serif">Does DBIC treat a database view the same
as a table? I am creating a data driven Catalyst site using the helper
script to bring in my schema. I am attempting to duplicate functionality
from a legacy .aspx site. The old site uses raw sql in the pages, sometimes
performing complex where and multiple joins. I started down a road where
I was creating a view using the sql from each page (on the database, not
a catalyst view), then updating the schema. This creates a viewname.pm
file in the Result folder. I then create a controller and template and
everything works great. But, I will need to do updates, inserts and deletes
as well as the selects I am using now. I don't think this will work using
a view. I think I need to re-create the raw sql queries for this to work,
yes. If so I have not been able to find much help in the docs or the books.
I would appreciate some pointers to some examples of doing it this way.
<br><font size=2 face="Arial">Regards</font>