[Epo-extended-core] perception

Justin DeVuyst justin at devuyst.com
Fri Jun 26 15:35:35 GMT 2009


I like the idea overall but I'm a little concerned
about its success.

I can imagine something like this going down:

noob:  What should I use to do x in the Perl world?
me:    You could look at the epo-ec list for best of breed.
noob:  Who decides and why did they decide as they did?
me:    Hopefully that's documented somewhere...

My point is clearly and openly defining the players and the
process may improve the chances of this thing being more relevant.
Someone new to Perl may not know who any of the advisors are.  And
understanding how and why a particular module was selected may help
someone feel comfortable advocating or using said module.


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