[Epo-grants-in-progress] DBIC docs grants

Jess Robinson castaway at desert-island.me.uk
Wed Dec 16 13:04:39 GMT 2009

See attached, or:


-------------- next part --------------
DBIC for SQL hackers


This is for people that know Perl, and usually use DBI to connect to databases.

1. Intro:
* Rationale for using dbic over dbi.

2. Database layout definitions
* Introduce Schema::Loader (aka use existing layout/maintain in DB).
* Explain Result classes + ResultSources compared to table/view/index definitions.
* Explain relationships/contraints etc in DBIC.
* Importance of Primary Keys for DBIC

3. Basic usage
* Schema files
* How to connect, when reconnect is done
* Mention AutoCommit/on_connect
* What is ResultSet, how to get one

4. Data entry
* Compare INSERT statements with create()
* Multi-level create
* Populate (insert_bulk)
* find_or* (UPSERT/etc)
* UPDATE / update
* update_or*

5. Data fetching
* Simple SELECTs with WHERE clauses (find/search)
* JOINing
* Aggregation (plus column ops ala ResultSetColumn)
* Subselects
* Literal sql / bind params
* Related objects
* Multiple (related) objects at once

7. Extras/Optimisation
* Inflation/Deflation
* HashRefInflator
* ??

DBIC Tutorial

DBIx::Class::Tutorial v0.01 has been on CPAN for sometime (and in the DBIC repo). v0.02 is a work in progress (for a while) on http://desert-island.me.uk/~castaway/web/.


* Clean up existing pages with regard to current DBIC best practices.
* Complete with subselects, binds etc #TBD.
* Roll the above docs into the tutorial


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