[Epo-marketing] JFDI - a pep talk

Mike Whitaker epo at altrion.org
Tue Dec 9 22:13:21 GMT 2008

I kinda hope this doesn't need saying, but I do occasionally feel that  
some stuff only happens here if I prod folks, so...

In a nutshell? If you see a need, or an opening? Don't wait for me or  
another board member to say 'wouldn't it be neat if...' Grab it, at  
the very least make a start, an approach. We're going to get this off  
the ground and rolling by /doing/.
Mike Whitaker    | Perl developer, writer, guitarist, photographer
mike at altrion.org | Board member, http://www.enlightenedperl.org/
Y!: tuxservers   | Blog: http://perlent.blogspot.com/
IRC: Penfold     | Yahoo! UK Ltd - internal CMS team

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