[Epo-members-announce] Adding Padre, the Perl IDE as and EPO project

Nick Perez nick at nickandperla.net
Mon Feb 15 16:03:12 GMT 2010

As a special member, I have the following thoughts:

And IDE is a good thing even though I would never use it. Others might
find it useful. Developing hand-holding tools in order to introduce
Perl to a wider audience is awesome. I myself have used VS,
MonoDevelop, etc to develop on large scale applications, and it
certainly helps to keep track of what modules do what and where. And
when I was first learning C#, the IDE was an immense help. 

I favor EPO support for Padre so long as we don't limit ourselves to
saying it is The One True Way, instead saying it is but one tool in the
toolbox (or even the gateway drug that leads to other preferred editors
such as vim or emacs).

And like mst said, I think if we refactored out the interesting editor
bits so that they could be integrated into other tools that would be a
big win


Nicholas Perez
XMPP/Email: nick at nickandperla.net

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