[Hackadelphia] Meeting Next Sunday

Josiah Kiehl bluepojo at gmail.com
Sun Aug 8 16:57:21 GMT 2010

I'm tied up 1-5p on the 15th. What time are we thinking?


On Sun, Aug 8, 2010 at 12:49 PM, Erik Hollensbe <erik at hollensbe.org> wrote:

> It looks like we've got the time scheduled for this; can I see a quick sh=
> of hands for who could attend on the 15th?
> I'm also working on a small "project list" webapp that we can use to get
> the projects out there ahead of time (and for those of you looking to help
> on a project or be mentored, assign yourselves to them).  It may not be
> ready for this meeting, but it should be for the next one.
> http://github.com/hackadelphia/project_list
> If you're interested in helping, let me know.
> -Erik
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