[Hackadelphia] Free Geek Picnic Saturday 11 Sept 2010

jim fisher jedijf at myfisher.org
Tue Aug 10 21:34:57 GMT 2010

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "David A. Harding" <dave at dtrt.org>
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 2010 13:48:14 -0400
Subject: [CHLUG] Free Geek Picnic Saturday 11 Sept 2010
To: LUG/IP <lugip at lugip.org>, CHLUG <chlug at googlegroups.com>, Ubuntu
Loco Mailing List <ubuntu-us-nj at lists.ubuntu.com>

Our geek picnic last year was a huge success.  Over 25 geeks--and their
families--turned out to eat burgers, play frisbee, and have a lot of fun.

This year we're going to a larger park--one with more fields, a
playground, walking trails, and geocaches.  You're sure to have fun!

Food is potluck. Last year we had burgers, hot dogs, macaroni salad,
fruit casserole, macaroni and cheese, soda, chips, a vegetable
platter--and plenty of deserts including cake and Ubuntu-themed

We worked off the calories with a game of ultimate frisbee, geek style,
and plenty of games with the kids.

Check out the pictures from last year:

   * Hanging out: http://gallery.ubuntupennsylvania.org/main.php?g2_itemId=630
   * Playing frisbee:
   * Chowing down: http://gallery.ubuntupennsylvania.org/main.php?g2_itemId=574
   * Ubuntu Cupcakes!:
   * More hanging out:

   (Thanks to Jonathan Simpson and Lyz Krumbach for taking the photos.)

Please come!  The event is free--you only need to bring food to share.

    Philadelphia Geeknic Picnic
    Saturday 11 September 2010
    Lower Perkiomen Park
    Oaks, Pennsylvania 19456

    Google map:

Reservation appreciated:


Questions?  Feel free to email me, <mailto:dave at dtrt.org>.

We hope to see you there!


Help us advertise this event! The more the merrier! Pass this email to
anyone who might be interested. You can also post a message to Twitter:

    Please join me for food and fun at the Philadelphia Geeknic Picnic
on 11 Sept 2010!  Details: http://geeknic.org/?p=120 #geeknic


David A. Harding	    Website:  http://dtrt.org/
1 (609) 997-0765	      Email:  dave at dtrt.org
			Jabber/XMPP:  dharding at jabber.org

Promotion never hurts. the Phila Metro area has much going on, but it
all seems to be dispersed and isolated.

How many here didn't know about Hive76?

If you have the chance, please attend. What's the worse that can
happen? Food, fun, and a little fellowship.

jim fisher

irc freenode  #ubuntu-us-pa

"Do, or do not. There is no 'try.'"
  --  Jedi Master Yoda

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