[Hackadelphia] Re: Hackadelphia Digest, Vol 2, Issue 8

Erik Hollensbe erik at hollensbe.org
Sat Jul 10 14:25:32 GMT 2010

Awesome. I'm going to try and bring a couple of jugs of water and maybe a couple 2-liters or soda or whatever -- if you want to supplement that with a few more similar items, I'm sure it would be appreciated. I don't know if beer is ok (being a semi-public place and all, attracting the ire of liquor control probably isn't in our best interest) on-site at hive which is why I'm not mentioning it.

I think Hive has a fridge, so a cooler may not be necessary. I'll ask today and repost to the list.

On Jul 10, 2010, at 10:15 AM, Jeff Deville wrote:

> I'm still in.  I've had to code while periodically dousing myself in water before.  Is there anything you'd like me to bring that would further help?  (A slip n slide? :) )

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