[Hackadelphia] Recap
David L. Martin
dlmarti at gmail.com
Sun Jul 11 23:03:33 GMT 2010
I wasn't expecting anything other than to meet a few like minded people,
so I'd call it a success.
I enjoyed meeting everyone there, thanks for the invite!
Erik Hollensbe wrote:
> If you have comments or complaints about how things were run or how things progressed, please feel free to express them here. If you're a little wary of expressing views publicly or as something that would appear in an archive, email me and I will repost them for discussion anonymously.
> Thanks to all who attended, I think it's safe to say that most everyone had a good time and I hope to continue this trend. Expect an email later this week to figure out when we can and will have the next meeting.
> -Erik
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David L. Martin
If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate.
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