[Handel] [ANNOUNCE] Handel 0.25 Released

Christopher H. Laco claco at chrislaco.com
Tue Oct 4 02:23:34 CEST 2005

 From the bowls of the SVN server, I'm pleased to announce the release 
of Handel 0.25. It should be available on CPAN shortly.

0.25 Sun Oct 3 20:15:35 2005
     - Removed -T from Catalyst helpers tests to keep older
         versions of File::Path/IO::File happy
     - Fixed Catalyst helper test failures due to setting $FindBin::Bin
     - Fixed mod_perl detection and code to deal with MP2 and
     - Fixed Catalyst checkout/order helpers error when trying to get the
         value of a cookie that didn't already exist
     - Fixed obscure bug with Data::UUID crashing in the first call only
         under MP2
     - Added support to create uuids form APR::UUID if it's available

0.24 Mon Sep 26 20:28:13 2005
     - Added Catalyst Helper tests
	- Added pod notes about Data::FormValidator/HTML::FillInForm in helpers
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