[Handel] [ANNOUNCE] Handel 0.19
Christopher H. Laco
claco at chrislaco.com
Tue Sep 13 14:47:34 CEST 2005
My apologies for the previously empty email. My USB (with Thunderbird)
crapped out in the middle of writing the email. I took a chance on the
send....and lost. :-)
After a few late weeks of Catalyst hacking and prodding on #catalyst,
I'm pleased to announce the release of Handel 0.19 to the world. The
most notable changes are the Catalyst Helper/Scaffold support.
This was constructed in two steps. First, you can build each layer
script/create.pl model Cart Handel::Cart dsn user pass
script/create.pl controller Cart Handel::Cart
script/create.pl model Orders Handel::Order dsn user pass
script/create.pl controller Orders Handel::Order
script/create.pl controller Checkout Handel::Checkout
or you can build them all at once:
script/create.pl Handel::Scaffold dsn user pass
See each helpers documantation for all of the available create options.
The scaffold currently includes:
Cart pages with add/update/delete/clear/save/restore
Order pages with list/view
Checkout pages with edit/preview/payment/complete
There are still some rough corners on the Catalyst scaffold, like forms
validation and fill-in-forms. I don't expect the checkout process in the
scaffold to ever be all things for all needs; it's just starter code.
It should be available on a CPAN mirror nearest you.
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