[Handel] Handel 0.9_15 Released
Christopher H. Laco
claco at chrislaco.com
Sun Nov 12 23:02:20 GMT 2006
Wow. I think my eyes are bleeding. This release has a lot of work behind
it. One of the big new features is Module::Starter::Handel, the
handel.pl starter script, and another Catalyst helper that combines the
old helper output with the new starter subclasses. And oh yeah, ~99%
test coverage doesn't suck either.
I still have to make Perl::Critic happy with the test suite (test
labels). The L!0N lexicons need completed, and the demos still need
fixed. This might possibly be the last dev release before 1.0.
* L10N files now use constant-like keys rather than english errors
* L10N::es_es.pm reworked by Diego Kuperman
* L10N::fr reworked by Pierrick DINTRAT
* Added l10n_lexicon_synced.t to ensure language lexicons are synced
with each other via key checks
* Removed constraint_uuid check from Checkout order/cart since it's
not subclass friendly (RT#19813,TKP)
* Checkout cart now throws an exception of now order can be found
matching the search criteria
* Converted tests to use Handel::Test
* Cleanup tests against Perl::Critic
* Fixed Checkout prototype mismatch warning under perl > 5.8.8
* Added more config tests for MP1/MP2
* Added more Schema connect tests
* Added more Base tests
* Added Iterator tests
* Fixed bug in Iterator:::DBIC where first increments the resulset
* Fixed issue in Cat Helpers that treated MyApp::Controller:: as a
valid name
* Added Catalyst Model setup tests
* Added Catalyst Scaffold Helper tests
* Added checkout_class to Order pod
* Added Module::Starter::Handel to help kickstart Handel projects
* Added currency_code_column to storage so DBIC inflators can set
currency code using another column in the row
* Removed formatting options from Currency->convert now that it
always returns a currency object instead of formatted strings
* Reworked Handel::Currency to be more object like with its parameters
* Added Handel::Compat::Currency, inserted automatically when
loading Handel::Compat
* Added compat_currency.t tests
* Converted to Module::Pluggable::Object
* Cart restore now throws exception on unknown mode like it was
supposed to
* Only create currency converter when calling convert for the first time
* Added handel.pl quickstart scripts for Module::Starter::Handel apps
* Added Catalyst::Helper::Handel to create entire cat app w/ starter
* Huge test coverage. 99% w00t!
* Mostly Perl::Critic happy...except for some test labels
* Probably last release before 1.0!
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