[Handel] HandelCurrencyCode
Christopher H. Laco
claco at chrislaco.com
Thu Sep 14 03:31:10 CEST 2006
Kaare Rasmussen wrote:
> Hi
> Any way to put HandelCurrencyCode=Dkk in my Catalyst App's config.yml file?
> And there's no way I can use the more popular symbols ('Kr' in my place)
> instead of the official currency symbols ('DKK') ?
I commit some changes to branches/Handel-DBIC-1.0 this evening...
I've added $code and $format to Handel::Currency->new($price, $code,
$format) Those settings are used of nothing is passed to format()/convert().
I've added currency_code and currency_format to Storage.
Storage::DBIC passes these settings into the inflate subs that DBIC uses
to create currency objects on the specified currency_columns.
To use these changes, you have a few options.
You can always do;
If you have the time and tuits, you should create your own Cart/Item
subclasses that use custom subclasses of Storage::*::Cart and
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