[Handel] Handel-0.99_16 Package
Christopher H. Laco
claco at chrislaco.com
Thu Mar 1 13:42:35 GMT 2007
Ryan Lauterbach wrote:
> Hi,
> =
> Just wondering if anyone else had this problem - I couldn't build Handel
> because of an "incomplete kit" error. I needed to rename directories
> such as 'l10n' to 'L10N' and 'dbic' to 'DBIC', obviously for things like
> "use DBIC::Blah" or "use Handel::L10N" to work. Before i figured out
> what the problem was i tried several different cpan mirrors and it seems
> to be the same everywhere.
> =
> Has that just been packaged incorrectly, or is there something else
> going on?
> =
> Ryan
This isn't just you. Something just did make it correctly. I can't
remember where I packaged it from, but I've seen the same problem on
cpan-testers too.
I'll repackage up a _17 tonight. At this point, you'd be better off
using the latest from svn anyways:
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