[html-formfu] Re: date element required constraint

Carl Franks fireartist at gmail.com
Fri Aug 10 13:33:56 GMT 2007

On 10/08/07, Thorsten Domsch <tdomsch at gmx.de> wrote:
> i just tried the latest version of the date element. In contrast to the prior version it doesn't trigger the required constraint all the tiem, but now it seems it does never trigger the required constraint :-(

I'm going to need at the least the code or yaml you're using to create
your form - or preferably a minimal cat-app or test file which shows
the problem.

I'm testing a cat-app now, and the Required constraint is returning an
error if I don't enter anything.
There's also a test in "t/elements/date.t" which tests for this, and
is passing ok.
So I need a bit more to go on :)


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