[html-formfu] CPAN releases (again)

Carl Franks fireartist at gmail.com
Wed Aug 15 15:30:31 GMT 2007

On 15/08/07, Brian Cassidy <brian.cassidy at nald.ca> wrote:
> Hi Carl,
> Not to be a total pain in the posterior, but I was just wondering about
> the status of some pending CPAN releases. Most importantly, a non-dev
> release of HTML-FormFu.

OK, fair enough.

There's 1 thing I don't like that I've not brought up before - it's
the mismatch between the Catalyst controller being called
'HTML::FormFu' and the DBIx::Class plugin being called 'FormFu'.
I'd rather rename "DBIx::Class::FormFu" to "DBIx::Class::HTML::FormFu".
Would this cause particular problems for anyone? - It's not a very big change.

Other than that, though, I could probably find the time to release all
the assorted FormFu dists to CPAN as non-dev releases this week.

p.s. - This is non-blocking - but I'd very much appreciate any tests
for Catalyst-Controller-HTML-FormFu, as there's none at the moment.


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