[html-formfu] text field problem after updateing to the new release

Carl Franks fireartist at gmail.com
Wed Aug 22 13:45:29 GMT 2007

On 22/08/07, kewei xiao <kewei.xiao at nald.ca> wrote:
>    I updated to the newest HTML::FormFu and its components, then I have
> this error message pop up when I try to submit my form after I put
> something in the text field:
>     Can't locate object method "process_input" via package "HTML::FormFu::Element::text"
>    I am not sure where I should change according to the new release

Did you update all your elements to the new CamelCase style?

I don't know why the error says "::text" when it should be "::Text".

Are you on a case-insensitive platform such as MSWin / osX, where it
might have picked up an old .pm file with the wrong case, earlier in


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