[html-formfu] Problem loading file

Carl Franks fireartist at gmail.com
Thu Jul 5 15:32:28 GMT 2007

On 05/07/07, Cosmin Budrica <cosmin at sns.ro> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have just installed HTML::FormFu, and I am trying to work with it.
> I got the example from the doc's Synopsis, but i get an error:
> file error - form: not found
> perl -MYAML::Syck -MData::Dumper -e 'my $data =
> YAML::Syck::LoadFile("form.yml"); print Dumper $data'
> looks ok, no errors.

By default, formfu expects to find it's template files in a folder
called 'root' within the current directory

To change where to look for the files, set:
    $form->render_class_args({ INCLUDE_PATH => $path });

Or within your yaml file like this:

    INCLUDE_PATH: '/my/path'

To create the template files in the first place, run this 1-liner:

perl -MHTML::FormFu::Deploy -e 'deploy()'

To create the files in a directory other than 'root', pass the name as
an argument to deploy()
Any time you upgrade formfu, you'll need to run deploy() again, and
update your templates.


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