[html-formfu] How to make checkbox (checked/unchecked) database driven

kewei xiao kewei.xiao at nald.ca
Thu Jul 5 19:27:28 GMT 2007

Now I set up the 'default' to be checked.  Is it a way to make it 
unchecked according to a certain condition?  In my case the condition 
will be the non-administrator users' checkbox will be un-checked:

    /use strict;
    use warnings;

    use base qw( HTML::FormFu::Element::multi );

    __PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw( group_type ));

    sub render {
        my $self = shift;
        my $type = $self->group_type;

        $self->attributes( { class => $type . 'group' } );
        my $c = $self->form->stash->{ context };

        my $roles = $c->model( 'Links::AccountRole' )->search;
        $self->elements( [ map {
            { type => $type, name=>'role', value=> $_->id, label => 
$_->name, checked=>'checked' }
        } $roles->all ] );

        return $self->SUPER::render( @_ );



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