[html-formfu] mutliple selects

Carl Franks fireartist at gmail.com
Wed May 30 11:07:20 GMT 2007

On 30/05/07, Thorsten Domsch <tdomsch at gmx.de> wrote:

>     my $id_day=$self->name."_day";  #<- not working :-( it should ??
>     my $id_month=$self->name."_month";   #<- not working :-( it should ??
>     my $id_year=$self->name"_year";  #<- not working :-( it should ??

Looking at how elements are created, I can see that new() is only
called with the 'type' and 'parent' arguments, and that all the
remaining arguments from your config are then passed via populate()
after new() has returned.
So, no - this won't work.
What's maybe needed is a setup method that's called on all elements,
after new() and populate() have run, but before the element is


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