[html-formfu] Beware of char cases

Daisuke Maki daisuke at endeworks.jp
Mon Oct 22 06:08:56 GMT 2007


Just ran into a problem where upgrading from FormFu pre-1.00001 to
1.00005 resulted in previously working form would not render properly.
Specifically, the fieldsets were placed in the totally wrong place e.g.
forms that were previously rendering as


Now rendered as


The root cause seems to be the renaming that happened for CPAN release.
Namely, what used to be fieldset.pm now became Fieldset.pm -- and
probably a simple search/replace caused the following code to fail:

  sub _single_element {
     if (   $self->can('auto_fieldset')
        && $self->auto_fieldset
        && $new->type ne 'Fieldset' )


$new->type contained 'fieldset', not 'Fieldset'.

I suspect that there might be other places that something similar is
happening, but for now I just committed r489 which fixes this by using a
regular expression.

let me know if this works out or not.


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