[html-formfu] Add more than one item (repeatable DBIC)

Moritz Onken onken at houseofdesign.de
Wed Apr 30 16:32:12 BST 2008

> At the moment, the 'new_empty_row' option only allows you to add 1  
> new row.
> Yes, supporting more than 1 row would be good.
> First off, you could test whether it works by deleting line 383 from
> lib/HTML/FormFu/Model/DBIC.pm
> - it's the line that reads "&& $i == $max"
> I think though, that this new behaviour should be off by default, with
> a new option to switch it on.
> I wondering whether this option's value should be a number, that can
> control the maximum allowed number of new rows?
> Carl

Hi Carl,

your fix worked for me. make test is still ok.
I attached all changes and the test (with a constraint for count):

Index: /Users/mo/Documents/workspace/HTML-FormFu-Model-DBIC/lib/HTML/ 
--- /Users/mo/Documents/workspace/HTML-FormFu-Model-DBIC/lib/HTML/ 
FormFu/Model/DBIC.pm	(revision 998)
+++ /Users/mo/Documents/workspace/HTML-FormFu-Model-DBIC/lib/HTML/ 
FormFu/Model/DBIC.pm	(working copy)

@@ -380,7 +379,7 @@
          my $row;

          if (   ( !defined $value || $value eq '' )
-            && $i == $max
+            #&& $i == $max
              && $block->model_config->{DBIC}{new_empty_row} )


use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More tests => 7;

use HTML::FormFu;
use lib qw(t/lib lib);
use DBICTestLib 'new_db';
use MySchema;


my $form = HTML::FormFu->new;


my $schema = MySchema->connect('dbi:SQLite:dbname=t/test.db');

my $user_rs    = $schema->resultset('User');
my $address_rs = $schema->resultset('Address');

	my $rep = $form->get_all_element({nested_name => "addresses"});
	$form->process( {
             'id'                  => '',
             'name'                => 'new nick',
             'count'               => 2,
             'addresses.id_1'      => '',
             'addresses.address_1' => 'new home',
             'addresses.id_2'      => '',
             'addresses.address_2' => 'new office',
         } );

     ok( $form->submitted_and_valid );

     my $row = $user_rs->new({});


     my $user = $user_rs->find(1);

     is( $user->name, 'new nick' );

     my @add = $user->addresses->all;

     is( scalar @add, 2 );

     is( $add[0]->id,      1 );
     is( $add[0]->address, 'new home' );

     is( $add[1]->id,      2 );
     is( $add[1]->address, 'new office' );


auto_fieldset: 1

   - type: Hidden
     name: id

   - type: Text
     name: name

   - type: Repeatable
     nested_name: addresses
     counter_name: count
         new_empty_row: address

       - type: Hidden
         name: id

       - type: Text
         name: address

   - type: Hidden
     name: count
       - type: Range
         max: 2

   - type: Submit
     name: submit

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