[html-formfu] Unable to create a Callback constraint via populate()

Michele Beltrame mb at cattlegrid.info
Wed Apr 30 17:38:21 BST 2008

Hi Carl!

> However, I've now changed element() so it does a shallow clone ( using
> $hashref = {%$hashref} ) instead of dclone().

Great, now everything works really well. Being able to use use closures
in contraints is really a great thing, so I hope this change won't be
breaking something else. I'll be using this feature a lot from now on on
my code, so I'll see if any bug comes around.

Should shallow copy be a problem, modules like "Clone" seem to copy
everything leaving coderefs aside, which is probably what you need. Or,
if it doesn't leave them aside, it can probably be tweaked to do so. ;-)

Thanks again and talk to you soon,

Michele Beltrame
ICQ 76660101 - MSN mb at italpro.net

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