[html-formfu] HTML-FormFu + Catalyst-Controller-HTML-FormFu 0.03006 uploaded to cpan

Carl Franks fireartist at gmail.com
Wed Dec 3 11:55:57 GMT 2008

I've made a couple more cpan releases.
Thanks to everyone who's contributed - and apologies to anyone who's
sent patches / bug reports that haven't been included yet - they are
still in my TODO list!

Here's the change-logs:

HTML-FormFu 0.03006 2008-12-03

    - New DateTime element.

    - New MinRange, MaxRange, File::MinSize, File::MaxSize constraints to
      provide more specific error messages.

    - New File::Size constraint methods: min_kilobyte(), max_kilobyte(),
      min_megabyte(), max_megabyte().

    - New config_file_path() method, used by load_config_file() and

    - New field_order() method for Date elements.

    - New I18N translations for Romanian, Russian, Ukranian.

    - New MultiForm system for multi-page forms (not yet documented, file
      upload tests skipped due to test problems on MS Win32).

    - Length, Range and File::Size constraints now pass min() and max()
      values as I18N args, for use in strings.

    - DependOn and Equal constraints now pass the root field label as I18N
      arg, for use in strings.

    - Checkbox + Radio elements now default to value(1).

    - Constraint when() method now works with nested_names().

    - Using test aggregate to speed-up tests.

Catalyst-Controller-HTML-FormFu 0.03006 2008-12-03

    - Deprecated config setting $config->{config_file_path}
      use $config->{constructor}{config_file_path} instead.

    - Bumped HTML-FormFu prereq - need 0.03004 for load_config_filestem()

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