[html-formfu] Catalyst basecontroller troubles this time :p

Andreas Marienborg omega at palle.net
Mon Feb 11 08:00:14 GMT 2008

Hey :p

I have a "common" action that a lot of other actions forward to, to  
generate a form I include on several pages.

I use the sub add : Local : FormConfig {} to load the form-configs,  
which works great, except that the action I forward to also populate  
$c->stash->{form}, thus overriding the form already populated.

Is there any way to give FormConfig two parameters, and the last one  
being the name I would like it to put it in the stash under? I can  
prolly try to provide a patch if that is desired.

If thats not possible, how can I create the form in the action by  
myself and still have label_loc etc just magicaly work, without  
duplicating too much code and config?

- andreas

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