[html-formfu] HTML::FormFu::Model::DBIC only deleting or saving
the first has_many relationship in a Repeatable block
Zbigniew Lukasiak
zzbbyy at gmail.com
Thu Feb 28 11:47:29 GMT 2008
Hi Byron,
I have just added a test to check if a second delete will work to the
svn - and it works. You can checkout the code and check if the tests
pass for you (its at:
https://html-formfu.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/HTML-FormFu-Model-DBIC -
the test in question is in
t/update/has_many_repeatable_delete_true.yml, you need also to
checkout https://html-formfu.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/HTML-FormFu).
But in fact I think I have found your problem - you have not added the
count field which is mandatory for Repeatable blocks. At some time
I'll check if we can get rid of this requirement - but for now you
need to add:
- type: Hidden
name: count
Zbigniew Lukasiak
On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 10:18 AM, Byron Young <Byron.Young at riverbed.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to create a form for my DBIC class that has the following
> has_many relationship:
> __PACKAGE__->has_many(
> "module_parameters",
> "NBT::IceBox::Schema::ModuleParameters",
> { "foreign.module" => "self.id" },
> );
> The HTML::FormFu::Model::DBIC doc says to create a Repeatable block,
> which I've done. It works great for displaying the relationships -
> everything is fille d out correctly and I see the right number of items.
> I'm running into trouble, however, when I try to use the new_empty_row
> and delete_if_true settings. It seems they only work for the first item
> in the has_many list.
> So, for example, if I have 4 module_parameters on my form and I check
> 'delete' for all of them and then submit, only the first one is deleted.
> To be more specific, if I select 'delete' for the last 3
> module_parameters, nothing is deleted.
> Or, for new_empty_row, if I have no current module_parameters and I
> enter something into the empty row's 'name' box, i will get a new
> module_parameter as expected. But, if there are 1 or more
> module_parameters already there, anything entered into the empty row is
> ignored, and I can't get any new relationships added beyond the first.
> Is this a bug or am I doing it wrong? I couldn't find anything on CPAN,
> the google code site, the mailing list, or in the code itself that
> explains it.
> Here is my Repeatable block:
> - type: Repeatable
> nested_name: module_parameters
> attributes:
> class: block
> db:
> new_empty_row: name
> elements:
> - type: Hidden
> name: id
> - type: Text
> name: name
> label: Name
> attributes:
> title: Parameter name
> - type: Checkbox
> name: is_required
> label: Required
> value: 1
> attributes:
> title: Is this parameter required?
> - type: Checkbox
> name: is_enum
> label: Enum
> value: 1
> attributes:
> title: Is this an enumerated type?
> - type: Checkbox
> name: delete
> label: Delete this parameter?
> value: 1
> attributes:
> title: Check to delete this parameter
> db:
> delete_if_true: 1
> And, for completion, my save method (pretty much the standard FormConfig
> method. fetch() just grabs the object from the database or creates a
> new one and puts it in the stash):
> sub save : PathPart Chained('fetch') Args(0) FormConfig
> {
> my ($self, $c) = @_;
> $c->stash->{title} = "Save " . $self->display_name;
> my $f = $c->stash->{form};
> my $o = $c->stash->{object};
> # return if there was a problem with any param values
> if (!$f->submitted_and_valid()) {
> $c->log->debug("***CRUD.pm - found errors in form");
> $c->log->debug($f->form_error_message);
> $c->stash->{template} ||= $self->template;
> return 0;
> }
> # re-set object's values from the now-valid form
> $f->save_to_model($o);
> $c->flash->{status_msg} = "Save successful";
> $c->response->redirect($c->uri_for('', $o->id, 'view'));
> }
> Thanks,
> Byron
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Zbigniew Lukasiak
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