[html-formfu] Re: Model::DBIC - dealing with SELECT boxes from lookup tables

Carl Franks fireartist at gmail.com
Tue Jan 29 14:12:45 GMT 2008

I've copied multiple messages into a single reply, to keep things together...

On 26/01/2008, Zbigniew Lukasiak <zzbbyy at gmail.com> wrote:
> I've just committed a patch for Model::DBIC with tests for dealing
> with SELECT boxes loaded from lookup tables (for belongs_to
> relationship).  It needs to have the schema on the stash - if you just
> put the Catalyst context there it will not work.  I think we agreed
> that schema on stash is better - because it does not tie the Model to
> Catalyst.  I am also volunteering to change the
> Catalyst::Controller::FormFu to put the schema on the stash - and then
> we could delete the old code dealing with Context.

The context was being put onto the stash long before Model/DBIC
existed, and has other uses.
I know for example that brian c. has a custom element that uses the context.

I refactored the resultset code out of options_from_model() into a
separate routine, and made it able to handle getting the resultset
from both
    stash->{schema} and

I don't think it's necessary to break code already setting {model} and
expecting it to get it from the {context}.
This means, if your schema is on the stash, your element can do:
    db: { resultset: Book }

or, if just the context is on the stash, you can still do:
    db: { model: 'Schema::Book' }

On 27/01/2008, Zbigniew Lukasiak <zzbbyy at gmail.com> wrote:
> Now when I think about it - maybe it is good time to refactor the
> model stuff.  Maybe something like this in the config:
> model:
>   class: DBIC
>   name: DBSchema            (if not defined than the default would be
> used - $c->model() )

Does this refer to the Cat-Controller config, form config, or element config?

I've updated Catalyst-Controller-HTML-FormFu to support a
'model_stash' config option.
This accepts a hashref, with each key referring to the form stash key,
and the value referring to the Catalyst model.
    model_stash: { schema: 'MySchema' }
is equivalent to:
    $form->stash->{schema} = $c->model('MySchema');

btw, options_from_model() currently has
    stash->{context} and
hardcoded - these will need to be made configurable - as they can be
configured with the Cat-controller.
    context_stash: 'c'
lets you puts the controller on stash->{c} instead.
And obviously, the way I've implemented 'model_stash', means it's not
necessarily on stash->{schema}
(and we want to allow people to be able to use multiple schemas at once.

      schema: 'foo_schema'
      resultset: 'Book'

or, for context:
      context: 'c'
      model: 'FooSchema::Book'


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