[html-formfu] Config generator

Carl Franks fireartist at gmail.com
Wed Mar 12 14:14:34 GMT 2008

On 07/03/2008, Zbigniew Lukasiak <zzbbyy at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi there,
>  I've made a new version of the config generator - see the attachment.
>  Here is the synopsis:
>  formfu_config_gen.pl [options]
>   Options:
>    -help           display this help and exits
>    -name           resultset name
>    -dsn            dsn
>    -user           database user
>    -password       database password
>   Examples:
>     formfu_config_gen.pl -name=Artist -dsn='dbi:Pg:dbname=CE'
>  -user=zby -password='pass'
>  This would generate the YAML config for the resultset Artist and print
>  it in the STDOUT.
>  The tests are copied from DBIC.
>  Please tell me what you think about it.

The code in the .pm file looks sane.

I'm not sure I agree with some of the defaults, such as including a
hidden indicator field, but that's the kind of thing that could either
be configured, or just deleted from the generated file, so it's not a
big deal.

Unfortunately the tarball doesn't include the formfu_config_gen.pl
file, so I wasn't able to try running it against a database.


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