[html-formfu] How to restore information for the confirm page?

Carl Franks fireartist at gmail.com
Thu Nov 27 09:01:16 GMT 2008

2008/11/27 Hu Hailin <i at h2l.name>:
> ------------------------------
> what i am expecting is something like
> $params_for_humans = {
>  'Your name' => 'Zhang San',
>  'Your city' => 'Shanghai'
> };

That sounds reasonable - with the following caveats:
* it would have to be an arrayref, not a hashref, otherwise you'd lose
the order of fields
* it couldn't handle any processors that do anything funky, such as
combining multiple field values into a single value.
  off-hand, I think that means these wouldn't work with it:
Filter::CompoundJoin, Filter::CompoundSprintf,
* it would skip any Hidden fields, or fields without a label
* should it use param_value() to ensure there's a single value, or use
param() and make any code that uses it have to handle the possibility
of getting an array of values

It would probably look something like this:

sub presentational_params {
    my ( $self ) = @_;

    return [] if !$self->submitted;

    my @output;

    for my $name ( $self->valid ) {
        my $field = $self->get_field( $name );
        next if !defined $field;

        my $label = $field->label;
        next if !defined $label;

        push @output, {
            label => $label,
            value => $self->param_value( $name ),

    return @output;

That would return this data structure:
        label => 'Your name',
        value => 'Zhang San',
        label => 'Your city',
        value => 'Shanghai',

I picked that structure because it'd be easy to work with in TT, and I
hate anything that returns a hashref with a single key/value that you
need to deref (yes, I'm talking to you, Config::Any ;) )
For example:
        'Your name' => 'Zhang San',
        'Your city' => 'Shanghai',

> However, how do you guys handle the confirm page generally?

I generally don't - most of the stuff I do is typical CRUD, and after
adding / editing a record, I'll usually just redirect to the "view"
page for that particular record.


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