[html-formfu] Constraint "Required" with condition "when" doesn't work in apache-style config

Christoph Metz mail-lao at web.de
Sat Nov 29 12:26:45 GMT 2008

Carl Franks wrote:
> 2008/11/28 Christoph Metz <mail-lao at web.de>:
>> Carl Franks wrote:
>>> 2008/11/28 Christoph Metz <mail-lao at web.de>:
>>>> using an Require constraint whith the "when" condition doesn't work fine
>>>> for
>>>> me :/
>>>> <element>
>>>>          type Select
>>>>            name kompetenzfeld_id
>>>>            <constraint>
>>>>              type Required
>>>>              <when>
>>>>                  field extern
>>>>                  values 0
>>>>                </when>
>>>>          </constraint>
>>>> </element>
>>>> without the "<when>" part the Required constrain works correctly, maybe
>>>> the
>>>> syntax of my conf isn't correct, but this was the only variant,
>>>> (config-loader) formfu accepted so far...
>>> That config seems to work, looking at a dumped $form, so the problem
>>> must either be a misunderstanding of how it's meant to work, or a bug.
>>> Note that the when() doesn't yet support nested params, such as "foo.bar".
>>> Can you write a failing test file, that demonstrates what you expect
>>> to happen, to help start to narrow it down?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Carl
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> HTML-FormFu mailing list
>>> HTML-FormFu at lists.scsys.co.uk
>>> http://lists.scsys.co.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/html-formfu
>> thanks carl,
>> the radio-button and the field asking for it with "when()" are nested in 2
>> divs... damn. Are there any other possibilities to do this kind of stuff,
>> without validating each param by myself AND with the ability to access these
>> magic method across blocks, like some divs?
> If it's just normal nested Blocks without a nested_name set, then it
> should be fine.
> It's only nested-params that don't work - that's when an outer block
> has a nested_name(), such as:
> type: Block
> nested_name: foo
> elements:
>     - type: Text
>       name: bar
> Which would cause the Text field to actually get the name "foo.bar"
> Carl
> _______________________________________________
> HTML-FormFu mailing list
> HTML-FormFu at lists.scsys.co.uk
> http://lists.scsys.co.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/html-formfu
so, i have created a testfile for the problem, i am using FormFu inside 
the catalyst-framework, Catalyst::Controller::HTML::FormFu is Version 
0.03004, Catalyst is version  5.7014. so firstly here is the controller:

package MyApp::Controller::test;

use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw(Catalyst::Controller::HTML::FormFu);

sub index : Local FormConfig('test/index2.conf'){
    my ( $self, $c ) = @_;

    my $form = $c->stash->{form};
    if ($form->submitted_and_valid){
        $c->stash->{message} = "Form sumitted and valid!";   

    $c->stash->{template} = 'test/index.tt2';


the Formfu conf file:
indicator submit

    type Radio
    name additional_infos
    value 1
    label yes
    type Radio
    name additional_infos
    value 0
    label no
    checked checked
    type Text
    name additional
        type Required
            field additional_infos
            values 1

    type Submit
     name submit
      value submit

the template:

[%- META title = "test" -%]

[% form %]

the catalyst-debug form-dump:

form => bless({
          _elements          => [
                                    _constraints         => [],
                                    _deflators           => [],
                                    _errors              => [],
                                    _filters             => [],
                                    _inflators           => [],
                                    _plugins             => [],
                                    _transformers        => [],
                                    _validators          => [],
                                    attributes           => {},
                                    comment_attributes   => {},
                                    container_attributes => {},
                                    container_tag        => "div",
                                    field_filename       => "input_tag",
                                    field_type           => "radio",
                                    filename             => "input",
                                    is_field             => 1,
                                    label                => "yes",
                                    label_attributes     => {},
                                    label_filename       => "label",
                                    label_tag            => "label",
                                    name                 => "additional_infos",
                                    parent               => 'fix',
                                    reverse_multi        => 1,
                                    stash                => {},
                                    type                 => "Radio",
                                    value                => 1,
                                  }, "HTML::FormFu::Element::Radio"),
                                    _constraints         => [],
                                    _deflators           => [],
                                    _errors              => [],
                                    _filters             => [],
                                    _inflators           => [],
                                    _plugins             => [],
                                    _transformers        => [],
                                    _validators          => [],
                                    attributes           => { checked => "checked" },
                                    comment_attributes   => {},
                                    container_attributes => {},
                                    container_tag        => "div",
                                    field_filename       => "input_tag",
                                    field_type           => "radio",
                                    filename             => "input",
                                    is_field             => 1,
                                    label                => "no",
                                    label_attributes     => {},
                                    label_filename       => "label",
                                    label_tag            => "label",
                                    name                 => "additional_infos",
                                    parent               => 'fix',
                                    reverse_multi        => 1,
                                    stash                => {},
                                    type                 => "Radio",
                                    value                => 0,
                                  }, "HTML::FormFu::Element::Radio"),
                                    _constraints         => [
                                                                "not"  => 0,
                                                                parent => 'fix',
                                                                type   => "Required",
                                                                when   => { field => "additional_infos", "values" => 1 },
                                                              }, "HTML::FormFu::Constraint::Required"),
                                    _deflators           => [],
                                    _errors              => [],
                                    _filters             => [],
                                    _inflators           => [],
                                    _plugins             => [],
                                    _transformers        => [],
                                    _validators          => [],
                                    attributes           => {},
                                    comment_attributes   => {},
                                    container_attributes => {},
                                    container_tag        => "div",
                                    field_filename       => "input_tag",
                                    field_type           => "text",
                                    filename             => "input",
                                    is_field             => 1,
                                    label_attributes     => {},
                                    label_filename       => "label",
                                    label_tag            => "label",
                                    name                 => "additional",
                                    parent               => 'fix',
                                    stash                => {},
                                    type                 => "Text",
                                  }, "HTML::FormFu::Element::Text"),
                                    _constraints         => [],
                                    _deflators           => [],
                                    _errors              => [],
                                    _filters             => [],
                                    _inflators           => [],
                                    _plugins             => [],
                                    _transformers        => [],
                                    _validators          => [],
                                    attributes           => {},
                                    comment_attributes   => {},
                                    container_attributes => {},
                                    container_tag        => "div",
                                    field_filename       => "input_tag",
                                    field_type           => "submit",
                                    filename             => "input",
                                    is_field             => 1,
                                    label_attributes     => {},
                                    label_filename       => "label",
                                    label_tag            => "label",
                                    name                 => "submit",
                                    parent               => 'fix',
                                    retain_default       => 1,
                                    stash                => {},
                                    type                 => "Submit",
                                    value                => "submit",
                                  }, "HTML::FormFu::Element::Submit"),
          _models            => [],
          _output_processors => [],
          _plugins           => [],
          _processed_params  => {},
          _valid_names       => [],
          attributes         => { action => "", method => "post" },
          auto_error_class   => "error_%s_%t",
          auto_error_message => "form_%s_%t",
          config_callback    => { plain_value => sub { "???" } },
          default_args       => { constraints => {}, elements => {} },
          default_model      => "DBIC",
          filename           => "form",
          indicator          => "submit",
          input              => {},
          languages          => ["en"],
          localize_class     => "HTML::FormFu::I18N",
          query              => 'fix',
          query_type         => "Catalyst",
          render_method      => "string",
          stash              => { context => 'fix' },
          submitted          => "",
          tt_args            => 'fix',
          tt_module          => "Template",
        }, "HTML::FormFu"),
    template => "test/index.tt2",
  $a->{"__InstancePerContext_159122152"}{c}{stash} = $a;
  $a->{"__InstancePerContext_159122152"}{c}{stats}{stack}[0]{_children}[0]{_parent} = $a->{"__InstancePerContext_159122152"}{c}{stats}{stack}[0];
  $a->{"__InstancePerContext_159122152"}{c}{stats}{stack}[0]{_children}[1]{_parent} = $a->{"__InstancePerContext_159122152"}{c}{stats}{stack}[0];
  $a->{"__InstancePerContext_159122152"}{c}{stats}{stack}[0]{_children}[2]{_parent} = $a->{"__InstancePerContext_159122152"}{c}{stats}{stack}[0];
  $a->{"__InstancePerContext_159122152"}{c}{stats}{tree} = $a->{"__InstancePerContext_159122152"}{c}{stats}{stack}[0];
  $a->{form}{_elements}[0]{parent} = $a->{form};
  $a->{form}{_elements}[1]{parent} = $a->{form};
  $a->{form}{_elements}[2]{_constraints}[0]{parent} = $a->{form}{_elements}[2];
  $a->{form}{_elements}[2]{parent} = $a->{form};
  $a->{form}{_elements}[3]{parent} = $a->{form};
  $a->{form}{query} = $a->{"__InstancePerContext_159122152"}{c}{request};
  $a->{form}{stash}{context} = $a->{"__InstancePerContext_159122152"}{c};
  $a->{form}{tt_args} = $a->{"__InstancePerContext_159122152"}{_html_formfu_config}{constructor}{tt_args};


the error:

indifferent i am chossing the radio button for "yes" or "no" the 
"when()" condition seems to be ignored, the method 
"submitted_and_valid()" never returns true for the form in this case, if 
i am using the Required-constraint without the when() condition all 
works fine.

Greets :)

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