[html-formfu] MultiForm and fill_formfu_values

Josef Chladek josef.chladek at gmail.com
Thu Apr 9 09:36:42 GMT 2009

Am 09.04.2009 um 10:46 schrieb Carl Franks:

> Hi,
> One potential problem I've just noticed is - are there any common
> fields names between the 2 forms that would cause the 2nd form to
> think it's already been submitted?
> A hint - set 'indicator' on both forms - but don't set it to 'submit'
> if both forms have a button named 'submit'.
> If this is the problem, then in this line:
>    $row->fill_formfu_values( $c->stash->{multiform}->current_form );
> current_form() will be returning undef.
> I think you could test this, by adding a
>    die 'complete' if $c->stash->{multiform}->complete;
> after that line.
> I this isn't the problem - then could you send your code for
> fill_formfu_values() ?
> Carl

thanks, I think the problem lies within current_form.
in my template I have

[% multiform.current_form_number %]

which gives "1" for the initial request, after the first submit, it  
stays at "1" but shows form #2, if I submit there, it shows the form  
#2 (which fails with constraints), but then the current_form_number  
shows "2"

adding indicators to the forms makes the data for form 2 appear after  
a second submit (although the constraints then are not checked, but  
form #3 is initally showed with failed constraints)

how do I name the indicators correctly?

regarding fill_formfu_values -> I use still the deprecated  
DBIx::Class::HTML::FormFu (which has this method), but even doing  
manually populating results in the above behaviour

so how do I get current_form_number to "increment" correctly?


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