[html-formfu] Getting "need a schema or context" loading config file

Dennis Daupert ddaupert at gmail.com
Fri Apr 10 16:10:13 GMT 2009

I've only recently begun to use FormFu, and this is my first post, so let me
know if I need to supply more/different/less info.

I'm trying to configure and populate a Select widget in my Catalyst app, but
keep getting the "need a schema or context" error.
My ultimate goal is to initially show the Select populated with a list of
Projects from which the user makes selection; then a second Select displays
showing a list of available filesystem directories.

# Some specs:
Catalyst -- 5.7014
DBIx::Class -- 0.08012
HTML::FormFu -- 0.03007

# Table Class File:
package MyApp::Schema::Result::Projects;
__PACKAGE__->load_components("InflateColumn::DateTime", "TimeStamp",
  "id",   { data_type =3D> "INTEGER", is_nullable =3D> 0, size =3D> undef },
  "rel_tag",   { data_type =3D> "TEXT", is_nullable =3D> 0, size =3D> undef=

# project_list_ff.yml
  legend: Select Project
indicator: submit
   - type: Select
     name: project
     label: Select Project
        resultset: Projects
           active: 1
     filter: TrimEdges
     filter: HTMLEscape
   - type: Submit
     name: submit
     value: Submit

# Controller:
package MyApp::Controller::Projects;
sub list : Local :FormConfig('projects/project_list_ff.yml') {
  my ( $self, $c ) =3D @_;
  my $form =3D $c->stash->{form};
  $c->stash->{template} =3D 'projects/list.tt2';


I am not sure how to troubleshoot this, and would appreciate any help.

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